Saturday, October 16, 2010

Musings about the body and being sick

I am not at all sure why I'm awake right now. It's 6am on a Saturday and I think I just got 7 hours of sleep, roughly. It was pretty amazing sleep, and, considering I hadn't had a good night's sleep in in three days it may have just rejuvenated the heck out of my body. That's what I'm going with, after having some kind of super flu ala The Stand (I'm actually calling it the Atlantean Flu, thanks to a fever dream I had where Namor the Submariner revealed to me that I was indeed part Atlantean, which certainly explains my webbed toes) for the past few days, I suppose any kind of sleep longer than 2 hours would be a blessing.

I find the body just fascinating. After finally figuring out how to get stronger quickly, by which I mean following Mark Rippetoes Starting Strength program faithfully (seriously, you would not believe how long it took me to just follow the program, stubborn!) I decided to figure out how to lose some body fat (a considerable amount of body fat, he admits, sadly) which I think I've been doing a pretty strong job of. It's like the body will do whatever you want it to do so long as you know how to tell it what to do. Fascinating!

With just a little bit of discipline and know how you can achieve whatever you want for your hot bod. Unless you're sick of course. Goddamn being sick. I really wish there was a better way to deal with being ill other than letting it run it's course. I bet it's just something to do with finding the right pills. I mean, if the body is being shut down and invaded by an outside force it only makes sense to attack the virus with outside forces.