Saturday, July 14, 2007


I can't decide whether or not I like one part of a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. It's been bothering me. There's this part where the solo kicks in, and Keidis is singing something. But I really like the guitar part that's underneath the solo, and I kind of resent the solo for putting the guitar part underneath it, even though the solo is really good as well.

I can't decide where I stand on nature versus nurture versus choice. I also have yet to fully understand all the implications of the word choice. It seems to be a pretty heavy word. Choice seems to me to have taken on a possibly undo godhead to humankind, or at least us crazy Amerikiners.

I can't decide whether or not I respect the new Against Me! album. It's quite good, but it's a departure from their older stuff. While there's nothing wrong with that per se, much of their lyrics are about selling out, and while there's nothing wrong with selling out, I don't think you should be against it if you do it. Just seems strange. However, the album rocks, it just sounds like Against Me! made an album for my good friend Ben Evarts.

I'm not indecisive about much else right now. Which is good. I like having formed my thoughts on topics. Not that it matters much to a lot of people, since my opinion is generally contrary to other peoples, but it matters to me.

Monday, July 9, 2007

An Open Letter to Michael Bay

Dear Michael Bay,

I’m not really a huge fan of your films, having seen little other than Bad Boys (which was awesome), but I plead you to listen to me. Your talents are needed.

You see, it seems as though many in Hollywood these days have no idea how to make an action sequence. This is a shame, since most films require an action sequence of some type, even if that sequence is nuanced and subtle.

Now, I know you don’t do subtle, but you do action very well. You’ve got a real knack for blowing shit up. It’s impressive. I think others can benefit from you.

Take a look at the Heroes finale. That action sequence at the end was horrid. I know you could do better. I know you would do better. Don’t you kind of want to?

Hire yourself out to these people, these fine people who know how to write plots and dialogue, but don’t understand how to blow anything up, and show them the way. You could do so much more with your ability than you do right now. You could be a driving force to enhance Hollywood and take it places people might not imagine. Places people might be afraid to imagine.

Sir, I respect you, and I believe in your potential as a force of greater good within the film industry.
