Saturday, September 1, 2007

Live life like fiction lives life

Mirth n. Gladness and gaiety, especially when expressed by laughter.

Rage n. a violent desire or passion.

Mirth and Rage.

Violent adj. intense in force, effect, etc.; severe; extreme: violent pain; violent cold.

These are the definitions I’m working with. You can insert your own, but it wouldn’t be true to my ideas. Since you’re reading my ideas, I feel it would be a smidge silly to not try and understand them based on the definitions of the words being used.

I think the proper way to rock this world is with a combination of mirth and rage. They are my current ying and yang. These words burn like any great mantra, and if applied properly should lead to a wondrously productive life.

I’m a firm believer that emotions and work ethic are just a state of mind. I don’t know of many who would actually disagree with me, but I don’t know how many would follow me to the extremes with that idea. I think it is entirely up to you how you feel, generally speaking about happiness and sadness here, and that if you can condition your mind to overcome its automatic muscle memory instinctive nature. Its Buddhism folks, or at least the kind of mindset it takes for someone to make a bitchin’ Rage Against the Machine album cover.

So, rage. It really isn’t a bad thing. It’s just about being intense about your passions. Always with the intensity, since intensity is what gets things done. Getting things done is the goal. Getting things done well is the goal. Half-assing life is not the goal. So rage on! Live, and don’t stop living!

However, I understand that people can get burnt out on rage. Maintaining that kind of energy for long periods of time is hard; this is where mirth comes into play. Shut up and be happy. Seriously. Laugh at everything, because nothing is worth not enjoying one’s self. Nothing.

Mirth and rage.

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