Friday, October 19, 2007

You are a Giant Ball of Light

There are things that can never be said in polite company.

Oh, it’s true. Polite company disdains these things, these things that, if you sit down and think about them, compromise certain realities, ergo, the truth.

Polite company has no interest in the truth. It only has an interest in maintaining it’s view of the world, it’s view of reality, it’s hold on life.

So what does one do when faced with polite company and an unending desire to be upfront, honest, and unashamed?

It isn’t entirely right to run roughshod, smash barriers, upset dreams, and disturb an otherwise comfortable lifestyle.

Polite company demands that you play along with its worldview.

Just remember, the knowledge you have, you should let it out. Let it bathe in the light of the world. Let polite company catch a glimmer of the blinding light that you are.

Defy convention, but remember, polite company isn’t wearing sunglasses. It would be rude to let them see you, all of you, all at once.

Make sure you allow their eyes to acclimate to your glory.

Their irises must shrink so their hearts and minds can grow.

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